Hi Numpy folks, When working with floats, I prefer to have exact string representations in doctests and other reference-based testing; I find it helps a lot to avoid chasing cross-platform differences that are really about the string conversion rather than about numerical differences. Since Python 2.6, the, the hex() method on floats has been available and it gives an exact representation. Is there any way to have Numpy arrays of floats printed using this representation? If not, would there be interest in adding that? On a somewhat related note, is there a table someplace which shows which versions of Python are supported in each release of Numpy? I found an FAQ that mentioned 2.4 and 2.5, but since it didn't mention 2.6 or 2.7 (much less 3.1), I assume it's out of date. This relates to the above since it would be harder to support a new hex printoption for Pythons before 2.6. Thanks, Ken B.