On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 1:56 PM, Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 4:43 AM, Nathaniel Smith <njs@pobox.com> wrote:
On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:51 PM, Christoph Gohlke <cgohlke@uci.edu> wrote:
2) Bottleneck 0.7.0
I can't tell if these are real bugs in numpy, or tests checking that bottleneck is bug-for-bug compatible with old numpy and we just fixed some bugs, or what. It's clearly something to do with the nanarg{max,min} rewrite -- @charris, do you know what's going on here?
Yes ;) The previous behaviour of nanarg for all-nan axis was to cast nan to intp when the result was an array, and return nan when a scalar. The current behaviour is to return the most negative value of intp as an error marker in both cases and raise a warning. It is a change in behavior, but I think one that needs to be made.
Ah, okay! I kind of lost track of the nanfunc changes by the end there. So for the bottleneck issue, it sounds like the problem is just that bottleneck is still emulating the old numpy behaviour in this corner case, which isn't really a problem. So we don't really need to worry about that, both behaviours are correct, just maybe out of sync. I'm a little dubious about this "make up some weird value that will *probably* blow up if people try to use it without checking, and also raise a warning" thing, wouldn't it make more sense to just raise an error? That's what exceptions are for? I guess I should have said something earlier though... -n