Hi All,
I am a bit new to the NumPy C-API and I am having a hard time with placing results into output arrays… I am using PyArray_TakeFrom to grab an input dimension of data, then do a calculation, then I want to pack it back to the output… yet
the PutTo function does not have an axis argument like the TakeFrom does… I am grabbing by column in a two-dimensional array and I would like to pack it that way. I know that I can build the result in reverse and pack the columns into rows and then reshape
the output… but I am wondering why the PutTo does not behave exactly like the take-from does?... The python implementation “numpy.put” also does not have the axis… so I guess I can see the one-to-one reason for the omission. However, is building in reverse
and reshaping the normal way to pack by column?
Thanks much!