OK, what you are getting are not the eigenvectors of you data, but the eigenvectors of the transposition of your data (I suppose). You have two options : - either you make an eigen analysis of your data and get 12 eigenvectors - either you make an eigen analysis of the transposition of your data and then you must get the 4 eignevectors into your original space (I don't remember the exact equations to do thge latter). Matthieu 2008/2/28, devnew@gmail.com <devnew@gmail.com>:
On Feb 28, 1:27 pm, "Matthieu Brucher" wrote
If your images are 4x3, your eigenvector must be 12 long.
hi thanx for reply i am using 4 images each of size 4X3 the covariance matrix obtained from adjfaces*faces_trans is 4X4 in size and that produces the evalues and eigenvectors given here evalues,evect=eigh(covarmat)
i will give the data i used
facemat (ndarray from data of 4 images each4X3) [[ 173. 87. 88. 163. 167. 72. 75. 159. 170. 101. 88. 165.] [ 158. 103. 115. 152. 138. 58. 81. 153. 126. 68. 73. 143.] [ 180. 87. 107. 180. 167. 65. 86. 182. 113. 41. 55. 143.] [ 155. 117. 128. 147. 147. 70. 93. 146. 153. 65. 93. 155.]] avgvals [ 166.5 98.5 109.5 160.5 154.75 66.25 83.75 160. 140.5 68.75 77.25 151.5 ]
adjfaces=matrix(facemat-avgvals) [[ 6.5 -11.5 -21.5 2.5 12.25 5.75 -8.75 -1. 29.5 32.25 10.75 13.5 ] [ -8.5 4.5 5.5 -8.5 -16.75 -8.25 -2.75 -7. -14.5 -0.75 -4.25 -8.5 ] [ 13.5 -11.5 -2.5 19.5 12.25 -1.25 2.25 22. -27.5 -27.75 -22.25 -8.5 ] [-11.5 18.5 18.5 -13.5 -7.75 3.75 9.25 -14. 12.5 -3.75 15.75 3.5 ]]
faces_trans =adjfaces.transpose() [[ 6.5 -8.5 13.5 -11.5 ] [-11.5 4.5 -11.5 18.5 ] [-21.5 5.5 -2.5 18.5 ] [ 2.5 -8.5 19.5 -13.5 ] [ 12.25 -16.75 12.25 -7.75] [ 5.75 -8.25 -1.25 3.75] [ -8.75 -2.75 2.25 9.25] [ -1. -7. 22. -14. ] [ 29.5 -14.5 -27.5 12.5 ] [ 32.25 -0.75 -27.75 -3.75] [ 10.75 -4.25 -22.25 15.75] [ 13.5 -8.5 -8.5 3.5 ]] covarmat =adjfaces * faces_trans [[ 3111.8125 -1080.4375 -1636.4375 -394.9375] [-1080.4375 901.3125 -114.6875 293.8125] [-1636.4375 -114.6875 3435.3125 -1684.1875] [ -394.9375 293.8125 -1684.1875 1785.3125]]
evalues [ -1.85852801e-13 6.31143639e+02 3.31182765e+03 5.29077871e+03]
[[ 0.5 -0.06727772 0.6496399 -0.56871936] [ 0.5 -0.77317718 -0.37697426 0.10043632] [ 0.5 0.27108233 0.31014514 0.76179023] [ 0.5 0.56937257 -0.58281078 -0.29350719]]
[[-0.56871936 0.6496399 -0.06727772 0.5 ] [ 0.10043632 -0.37697426 -0.77317718 0.5 ] [ 0.76179023 0.31014514 0.27108233 0.5 ] [-0.29350719 -0.58281078 0.56937257 0.5 ]]
i am not getting the eigenvector of length 12 as you said pls tell me if i am doing sthing wrong
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-- French PhD student Website : http://matthieu-brucher.developpez.com/ Blogs : http://matt.eifelle.com and http://blog.developpez.com/?blog=92 LinkedIn : http://www.linkedin.com/in/matthieubrucher