On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 8:19 AM, Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers@gmail.com> wrote:

Updating this list for comments made after I sent it and now that I've looked in more detail at what the less common commands do:
So if/when we accept the proposal in this thread, I'm thinking we should make a bunch of changes at once:
- always use setuptools (this is a new dependency)
- error on ``python setup.py install``

(removed the item about setup_requires, relevant for scipy but not numpy)
- error on ``python setup.py clean`` (saying "use `git clean -xdf` (or -Xdf ...) instead")
- change ``python setup.py --help`` to first show numpy-specific stuff before setuptools help info
- update all our install docs
- error on ``python setup.py upload`` (saying "use `twine upload -s` instead")
- error on ``python setup.py upload_docs``
- error on ``python setup.py easy_install`` (I'm not joking, that exists)
- error on ``python setup.py test`` (saying "use `python runtests.py` instead")
- remove setupegg.py


And when "pip upgrade" is released (should be soon, see https://github.com/pypa/pip/pull/3194), officially change our mind and recommend the use of install_requires/setup_requires to packages depending on numpy.