Feb. 29, 2008
9:41 p.m.
On Mar 1, 12:57 am, "Peter Skomoroch" wrote: I think
matlab example should be easy to translate to scipy/matplotlib using the montage function:
load faces.mat %Form covariance matrix C=cov(faces'); %build eigenvectors and eigenvalues [E,D] = eig(C);
hi Peter, nice code..ran the examples.. however couldn't follow the matlab code since i have no exposure to matlab..was using numpy etc for calcs could you confirm the layout for the face images data? i assumed that the initial face matrix should be faces=a numpy matrix with N rows ie N=numofimages row1=image1pixels as a sequence row2=image2pixels as a sequence ... rowN=imageNpixels as a sequence and covariancematrix=faces*faces_transpose is this the right way? thanks