I am working on solving a recent recreational mathematical problem on
Project Euler <http://projecteuler.net> . I have a solution, which works
fine for small N up to 10^5 but it takes too long to compute for the actual
problem, where N is of the order 2*10^7. The problem is nested loops, and I
am hoping to avoid one level in the loop by using clever numpy magic (as I
have done often before). However, there is one step, which I cannot figure
out how to do using numpy operations alone, and I am hoping for some help
The subproblem is that I have in principle k = 1, ..., N sets of boolean
f_k and g_k each of length N.
For each k I need to find the number of elements i where both f_k[i] and
g_k[i] are True and sum that up over all N values of k.
A problem of the order 4*10^14 if I just do it brute force. This takes way
too long (there is a one minute rule).
However, after a lot of thinking and by using some properties of the f_k and
g_k I have managed to construct using only pure numpy function and only a
single loop over k, arrays
which contain the indices i at which the functions change it boolean value
from True to False or False to True.
It so happens that the number of changes is only a small fraction of N, the
fraction decreases with larger N, so the size of these changes_at arrays
contains perhaps only 1000 elements instead of 10000000 for each k, a
significant reduction of complexity.
Now, my problem is to figure out for how many values of i both f_k and g_k
are True given the changes_at arrays.
As this may be a little hard to understand here is a specific example of how
these arrays can look like for k = 2 and N = 150
f_2_changes_at = [ 2 3 39 41 58 59 65 66 93 102 145]
g_2_changes_at = [ 2 94 101 146 149]
with the boundary condition that f_2[0] = g_2[0] = False
Which expands to
i f_2 g_2 f_2 and g_2
0 F F F
1 F F F <-
2 T T T <-
3 F T F
4 F T F
38 F T F <-
39 T T T
40 T T T <-
41 F T F
42 F T F
57 F T F <-
58 T T T <-
59 F T F
60 F T F
64 F T F <-
65 T T T <-
66 F T F
92 F T F <-
93 T T T <-
94 T F F
100 T F F <-
101 T T T <-
102 F T F
144 F T F <-
145 T T T <-
146 T F F
147 T F F
148 T F F <-
149 T T T <-
With the sum of elements fulfilling the condition being (see arrows)
(2 - 1) + (40 - 38) + (58 - 57) + (65 - 64) + (93 - 92) + (101 - 100) + (145
- 144) + (149 - 148) =
1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 9
So, is there a numpy recipe for doing the equivalent process without
expanding it into the full arrays?
I have tried looping over each element in the changes_at arrays and build up
the sums, but that is too inefficient as I then have an inner for loop
containing conditional branching code
Thanks in advance, Slaunger
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