Hello, folks!

I've added a new event to the NumPy community calendar: the Newcomer's Hour.

This is an event we've been running for a few months and is a bi-weekly informal meeting for newcomers to the NumPy community. This is a place to ask questions, technical or otherwise, meet other contributors, and (hopefully) figure out how to contribute :) We are having one today at 8pm UTC - here's the zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/6345425936.

To follow all the events and meetings related to NumPy and add them to your own Google calendar, you can use this link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r?cid=YmVya2VsZXkuZWR1X2lla2dwaWdtMjMyamJobGRzZmIyYzJqODFjQGdyb3VwLmNhbGVuZGFyLmdvb2dsZS5jb20

