On Thu, 28 Dec 2000, Paul F. Dubois wrote:
A millenium-end report from the Head Nummie (this name is a joke; see the DEVELOPERS file):
There have been a steady set of messages on the subject of I should do this or that to make it easier to make RPMs. It is impossible for me to act on these: I don't know much about RPMs, and if I did, I don't know if making the change suggested is good or bad for someone doing something else, like making Windows installers. Therefore my policy is to rely on the Distutils people to work this out. Those who wish to make it easier to make a binary installer for platform xyz should figure out what would be required by the Distutils bdist family of commands.
That is not to say that I don't appreciate people trying to help. I'm grateful for all the support I get from the community. I think that relying on division of labor in this case is the right thing to do, so that we take advantage of the Distutils effort. If I'm wrong, I'll listen.
The problem that I pointed out is not a problem with building a binary package. Invoking './setup_all.py build' on a clean machine does not work. The numpy core is built, but the packages are not. The reason is that all of the packages are looking for 'Numeric/arrayobject.h' which does not exist until the numpy core has been installed at least once. Even then, the packages will use an old version of arrayobject.h. I see two solutions: 1) Have the setup script make a symbolic link in the package's include directory to the include directory of the numpy core. Call the symbolic link 'Numeric.' 2) Move the include files for the core to a subdirectory called 'Numeric.' I would prefer the first solution, but I'm not aware of a way for the non-unix versions of python to create a link to a directory. <snip> Tony