2009/3/13 Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris@gmail.com>:
That said, I think it best to leave '%' with its C default and add a special modulus function for the python version. Changing its meaning in C-like code is going to confuse things.
This is Cython code, so I think there is an argument to be made that it is Python-like!
I'll just repeat what I've already said on the Cython mailing list: I think C types should behave like C types and Python objects like Python objects. If a C long suddenly starts to return double when divided by another C long, then that will be a major source of confusion on my part. If I want the behaviour of Python integers, Cython lets me use Python objects. I don't declare a variable cdef long if I want it to behave like a Python int. Sturla Molden