Hi, On Sun, Jul 7, 2019 at 11:41 PM ANURAG ANURAG <anurag@ph.iitr.ac.in> wrote:
Sir, I was recently converting some Matlab codes into python, where I recently stumble upon bitget(n,x) function of Matlab, b = bitget(A,bit) returns the bit value at the position bit in integer array A. I was unable to find any Numpy equivalent of this, so should I create a pull request in Numpy for the same!
Thanks for the suggestion. I think Eric Wieser is right in his comment on the related pull request: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/13937#issuecomment-509091992 The function is a one-liner in Python - albeit a slightly fancy one-liner. Also - I have never had need of this function in Matlab or Numpy, and had no idea it existed. So, I'd vote against, unless it turned out it was much more common in use than my experience would suggest, Cheers, Matthew