Janko Hauser wrote:
Use the numpyio module from Travis. With this it should be possible to read the data directly and do any typecode conversion you want with. It has fread and fwrite functions, and it can be used with any NumPy type like Int0 in your case. It's part of the signaltools package.
I've downloaded it , and it looks pretty handy. It does include a byteswap-in-place, which I need. What is not clear to me from the minimal docs is whether I can read file set up like: long long char long long char .... and have it put the longs into one array, and the chars into another. Also, It wasn't clear whether I could put use it to read a file that has already been opened, starting at the file's current position. I am working with a file that has a text header, so I can't just suck in the whole thing until I've parsed out the header. I can figure out the answer to these questions with some reding of the source, but it wasn't obvious at first glance, so it would be great if someone knows the answer off the top of there head. Travis? By the way, there seem to be a few methods that produce a copy, rather than doing things in place, where it seems more intuitive to do it in place. byteswapped() and astype() come to mind. With byteswapped, I imagine it's rare that you would want to keep a copy around. With astype it would also be rare to keep a copy around, but since it changes the size of the array, I imagine it would be a lot harder to code as an in-place operation. Is there a reason these operations are not available in-place? or is it just that no one has seen enough of a need to write the code. -Chris -- Christopher Barker, Ph.D. cbarker@jps.net --- --- --- http://www.jps.net/cbarker -----@@ -----@@ -----@@ ------@@@ ------@@@ ------@@@ Water Resources Engineering ------ @ ------ @ ------ @ Coastal and Fluvial Hydrodynamics ------- --------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------