On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 9:31 AM Matti Picus <matti.picus@gmail.com> wrote:

According to NEP 29, numpy 1.18 will be released after Sept 2019, which as I understand it is the cutoff for Python 3.5. In PR 14673 I proposed removing it from the test matrix and also removing some shims in the code to support it - meaning that in order to use Numpy 1.18+ you will need to use Python 3.5+. Is this the intention of the NEP or is the intention only that we no longer test it and no longer supply wheels? If the latter, at what point do we remove support code for unsupported versions?

Note the cost of this code is negligible, it is more a question of what is the correct/desired approach.

I think we can support 3.5 as long as we please, the question is how long we *want* to support it. I don't plan to release 1.18 wheels for 3.5, but I'm concerned about making 1.18 outright incompatible with 3.5. I would like to see the random interface settle before we do that. So my preference would be to drop 3.5 in 1.19 with a future warning in the 1.18 release notes. Alternatively, we could backport all the random changes to 1.17, but I would rather not do that. 
