2013/1/8 Andrew Collette <andrew.collette@gmail.com>:
I think you are voting strongly for the current casting rules, because they make it less obvious to the user that scalars are different from arrays.
Maybe this is the source of my confusion... why should scalars be different from arrays? They should follow the same rules, as closely as possible. If a scalar value would fit in an int16, why not add it using the rules for an int16 array?
As I mentioned in another post, I also agree that it would make things simpler and safer to just yield the same result as if we were using a one-element array. My understanding of the motivation for the rule "scalars do not upcast arrays unless they are of a fundamentally different type" is that it avoids accidentally upcasting arrays in operations like "x + 1" (for instance if x is a float32 array, the upcast would yield a float64 result, and if x is an int16, it would yield int64), which may waste memory. I find it a useful feature, however I'm not sure it's worth the headaches it can lead to. However, my first reaction at the idea of dropping this rule altogether is that it would lead to a long and painful deprecation process. I may be wrong though, I really haven't thought about it much. -=- Olivier