Issue #16126: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/16126 PR #16476: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/16476 numpy.fft docs (v1.18): https://numpy.org/doc/1.18/reference/routines.fft.html Hello all, I was advised to write on the numpy mailing list, after this week's community meeting led to some general discussions on the normalization schemes used in the FFT functions. My post has to do with issue #16126, which asks for the addition of a new option for the "norm" argument for the FFT functions; "norm" controls the way the forward (direct) and backward (inverse) transforms are normalized, and the two currently supported options are "norm=None" (default) and "norm=ortho". The "ortho" option uses the orthonormal Fourier basis functions, which translates to both the forward and backward transforms being scaled by 1/sqrt(n), where n is the number of Fourier modes (and data points). The default "None" option scales the forward transform by 1 (unscaled) and the backward by 1/n. The new added option, called for now "norm=inverse", is the exact opposite of the default option; i.e. it scales the forward transform by 1/n and the backward by 1. In terms of using the FFT for spectral methods or approximation problems, these are the three scaling schemes one encounters; the transform itself is the same, with only a constant factor being the difference. But having all three scaling options built in the fft and ifft functions makes the code cleaner and it's easier to stay consistent. I've submitted a PR for this change, and would be happy to get comments and feedback on the implementation and anything else that hasn't been considered. Thanks! Chris -- Sent from: http://numpy-discussion.10968.n7.nabble.com/