On 7/9/07, Timothy Hochberg <tim.hochberg@ieee.org> wrote:

On 7/9/07, Torgil Svensson < torgil.svensson@gmail.com> wrote:
Elegant solution. Very readable and takes care of row0 nicely.

I want to point out that this is much more efficient than my version
for random/late string representation changes throughout the
conversion but it suffers from 2*n memory footprint and large block
copying if the string rep changes arrives very early on huge datasets.


I think we can't have best of both and Tims solution is better in the
general case.

It probably would not be hard to do a hybrid version. One issue is that one doesn't, in general, know the size of the dataset in advance, so you'd have to use an absolute criteria (less than 100 lines) instead of a relative criteria (less than 20% done). I suppose you could stat the file or something, but that seems like overkill.

Maybe "use one_alt if rownumber < xxx else use other_alt" can
fine-tune performance for some cases. but even ten, with many cols,
it's nearly impossible to know.

That sounds sensible. I have an interesting thought on how to this that's a bit hard to describe. I'll try to throw it together and post another version today or tomorrow.

OK, as promised, here's an approach that rebuilds the array if the format changes as long as the less than 'restart_length' lines have been processed. Otherwise, it uses the old strategy. Perhaps not the most efficient way, but it reuses what I'd already written with minimal changes. It's still pretty rough -- once again I didn't bother to polish it.

def find_formats(items, last):
    formats = []
    for i, x in enumerate(items):
        dt, cvt = string_to_dt_cvt(x)
        if last is not None:
            last_cvt, last_dt = last[i]
            if last_cvt is float and cvt is int:
                cvt = float
        formats.append((dt, cvt))  
    return formats       

class LoadInfo(object):
    def __init__(self, row0):
        self.done = False
        self.lastcols = None
        self.row0 = row0
        self.predata = ()
def data_iterator(lines, converters, delim, info):
    for x in info.predata:
        yield x
    info.predata = ()
    yield tuple(f(x) for f, x in zip(converters, info.row0.split(delim)))
        for row in lines:
            yield tuple(f(x) for f, x in zip(converters, row.split(delim)))
        info.row0 = row
        info.done = True
def load2(fname,delim = ',', has_varnm = True, prn_report = True, restart_length=20):
    Loading data from a file using the csv module. Returns a recarray.

    if has_varnm:
        varnames = [i.strip() for i in f.next().split(delim)]
        varnames = None

    info = LoadInfo(f.next())
    chunks = []

    while not info.done:

        row0 = info.row0.split(delim)
        formats = find_formats(row0, info.lastcols)
        if varnames is None:
            varnames = varnm = ['col%s' % str(i+1) for i, _ in enumerate(formate)]
        for name, (dtype, cvt_fn) in zip(varnames, formats):
        if len(chunks) == 1 and len(chunks[0]) < restart_length:
            info.predata = chunks[0].astype(descr)
            chunks = []
        chunks.append(N.fromiter(data_iterator(f, conversion_functions, delim, info), descr))
    if len(chunks) > 1:
        n = sum(len(x) for x in chunks)
        data = N.zeros([n], chunks[-1].dtype)
        offset = 0
        for x in chunks:
            delta = len(x)
            data[offset:offset+delta] = x
            offset += delta
        [data] = chunks
    # load report
    if prn_report:
        print "##########################################\n"
        print "Loaded file: %s\n" % fname
        print "Nr obs: %s\n" % data.shape[0]
        print "Variables and datatypes:\n"
        for i in data.dtype.descr:
            print "Varname: %s, Type: %s, Sample: %s" % (i[0], i[1], str(data[i[0]][0:3]))
            print "\n##########################################\n"

    return data