Hy, this is my first attempt to give some back to the python/numerical-python community. Here (http://kdfio.sourceforge.net) you can find an early release of my I/O routine for reading and writing kdf file as in khoros environment. Khoros (from http://www.khoral.com) is an interactive program for digital image processing, we are using in our lab (university of heidelberg). All the time i've found hard to use such environment because it lacks some flexibility i need. Now i've been using numerical python for some time and i would other will use it as standard base for numerical computation, but for my purpose it was lacking I/O with such an environment (khoros). Khoros is not free, but anyway if you are using it i hope you will like these routines to read and write their files. These are in an early stage, so expect a lot of bugs, missing feature and so on: it's only my first project so feedbacks, suggestions and complains are welcome. Ops, i've forgotten: i'm personally using this rotines for my PHD, so they should be reasonably stable. The license should be BSD? GPL? LGPL? any comment is welcome, because i never understood these problem (it is my first project, didn't i tell you?). best regards to all GREAT folks in this group, antonio cavallo ps. you can download khoros if you are a student from: http://www.khoral.com/khoros/kp2001_student