David, I know this discussion first took place months ago, but I'd like to know whether or not you find a solution to the SxS assemblies issues using MSVC9.0. In case you haven't (the binaries package for windows is built using mingw), I'd like to know if this would be possible to relocate all numpy *.pyd from their original location (i.e. site-packages/numpy/core/, etc.) to the main executable one (i.e. python.exe). AFAIK, this would eventually solve the redistributing issue we are facing with python extensions built with SxS policy. Indeed, both Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest and msvcr90.dll files are located next to the python.exe executable in the standard distribution (http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.6.4/python-2.6.4.msi). This way, all numpy *.pyd extension would be able to use these files (considering that python and numpy are built using the same revision of the crt library). IIRC, the SxS look-up sequence starts with the dirname of the executable... (i.e. ./python.exe/.) Regards, Eloi -- Eloi Gaudry Free Field Technologies Axis Park Louvain-la-Neuve Rue Emile Francqui, 1 B-1435 Mont-Saint Guibert BELGIUM Company Phone: +32 10 487 959 Company Fax: +32 10 454 626