2010/7/14 Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris@gmail.com>:
One thing that we need to be clear about is handling line endings in text, i.e., linefeeds only. I have read tales of folks on windows finding many of their files showing up as modified on that account. There are ways to deal with it -- the details escape me at the moment -- but we need instructions on setting up git on windows so there aren't any problems.
I attach the corresponding configuration dialog of the installation routine of msysgit with installer name Git- .
From the installer window, it seems that maybe core.autocrlf can be configured manually after installation?
I can provide test-user support, since I do not use my Windows 7 VM for development. I have a github account. - I don't know if one of the tales is by me, I encountered this "marked-as-modified" issue when I switched from Windows to Mac. For this case, it can be resolved by a git reset --hard before commiting further changes. It occured because my working-tree files had dos line endings, but LF endings in the repo. Friedrich