"eric" <eric@enthought.com> writes:
The standard version that Robin Dunn distributes is compiled with MSVC. If you build a small extensions with gcc that make wxPython call, it'll link just fine, but seg-faults during execution. Does anyone know if the same sorta thing is true on the Unices? If it is, and Numeric was written in C++ then you'd have to compile extension modules that use Numeric arrays with the same compiler that was used to compile Numeric. This can lead to all sorts of hassles, and it has made me lean
If you rely on dynamic linking for cross-module calls, you'd have the same problem with Unix, as different compilers use different name-mangling schemes. One way around this would be to limit cross-module calls to C functions compiled with "C" linking. Better yet, don't rely on dynamic linking at all and export a module's C API via a Python CObject, as described in the extension manual, and declare all symbols as static (except for the module initialization function of course). In my experience that is the only method that works on all platforms, with all compilers. Of course this also assumes that interfaces are at the C level. Konrad. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Konrad Hinsen | E-Mail: hinsen@cnrs-orleans.fr Centre de Biophysique Moleculaire (CNRS) | Tel.: +33- Rue Charles Sadron | Fax: +33- 45071 Orleans Cedex 2 | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/ France | Nederlands/Francais -------------------------------------------------------------------------------