i appreciate your correction, indeed you are right, it was my fault. i changed everything and i believe it is in the correct order of things right now. our current best result is FFT: -46%(no multithreading, no type conversions) from scipy and +0.37% is the worst case (multithreaded, no type conversions). IFFT: -32%(no multithreading, no type conversions), +4.71%(multithreaded, no type conversions). https://github.com/2D-FFT-Project/2d-fft/blob/main/notebooks/comparisons.ipy... i suppose due to your corrections we were able to achieve even better results in my opinion. we will take a closer look at (M+, TC-) case, as it seems to be the worst perfomance of our algorithm. all in all, we'll be waiting for your further directions what we could do. please take a moment to review it again and thanks for your time. have a lovely day.