I'm trying to compile numarray 0.11 with Python 2.2 on a linux box but somehow the compilation gets stuck on this line: gcc -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -IInclude/numarray -I/home/mlh/python/Python-2.2/include/python2.2 -c Src/_ufuncmodule.c -o build/temp.linux-i686-2.2/_ufuncmodule.o No error message, no crash; it just never finishes -- it freezes. I compiled/installed it on a Solaris box earlier, with no problems whatsoever. I've never seen gcc freeze like this; can there be some circular dependencies or something? (This machine had some problems with its clock earlier, which made make go in a loop...) I tried running touch on all files, but that didn't change anything... Any ideas, or tips for finding out what's wrong? (BTW, Numeric compiles and installs just fine...) -- Magnus Lie Hetland The Anygui Project http://hetland.org http://anygui.org