Hello, I have took some time today to do some benchmark on different uses of lapack in an Athlon Thunderbird 1.2Gz. Here it goes: ------ Vanilla numarray It took 9.970000 seconds to solve a 1000X1000system numarray vanilla blas and lapack It took 7.010000 seconds to solve a 1000X1000system numarray atlas blas and vanilla lapack It took 1.050000 seconds to solve a 1000X1000system numarray atlas blas and lapack It took 0.760000 seconds to solve a 1000X1000system ------ One nice touch is that matlab takes 1.3s to solve a system of the same size with the notation A\b. Hence numarray is actually faster than matlab to solve linear system :-) I know, probably there is a way to make matlab use the faster atlas library... Paulo -- Paulo José da Silva e Silva Professor Assistente do Dep. de Ciência da Computação (Assistant Professor of the Computer Science Dept.) Universidade de São Paulo - Brazil e-mail: rsilva@ime.usp.br Web: http://www.ime.usp.br/~rsilva Teoria é o que não entendemos o (Theory is something we don't) suficiente para chamar de prática. (understand well enough to call) (practice)