Hi all, Using the numarray C API, I am trying to create an array containing Python strings from an existing C (char **) array. In Numeric 23.1, the following code fragment works fine: PyObject *pdata = NULL; // num_elements has been defined earlier PyStringObject **strarray = malloc(num_elements * sizeof(PyStringObject *)); if (strarray != NULL) { int e; for (e = 0; e < num_elements; e++) { strarray[e] = (PyStringObject *) PyString_FromString(((char **)data)[e]); } // num_dims and the dim array have been defined earlier pdata = PyArray_FromDimsAndData(num_dims, dim, PyArray_OBJECT, (char *)strarray); } In numarray 0.7, the same code yields the runtime error: libnumarray.error: Type object lookup returned NULL for type 14 in the PyArray_FromDimsAndData() call. Using the current numarray CVS head instead of the 0.7 release makes no difference. Is there somebody who knows what is going or what I am doing wrong? Many thanks in advance, -- Leo Breebaart <leo@lspace.org>