On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 10:00 AM, <numpy-discussion-request@scipy.org> wrote:
Message: 2
Date: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 21:36:48 +0300
From: Dmitrey <tmp50@ukr.net>
Subject: Re: [Numpy-discussion] [ANN] MATLAB ODE solvers - now
        available in    Python
To: Discussion of Numerical Python <numpy-discussion@scipy.org>
Cc: numpy-discussion@scipy.org
Message-ID: <1380997576.559804301.aoynahlj@frv43.ukr.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Seems like using the MATLAB solvers with MCR requires my wrappers containing in several files to be compiled with MATLAB Compiler before. I have no license for MATLAB thus I may have problems if I'll make it done and will spread it with OpenOpt suite code, also, binary files are incompatible with BSD license.

Darn, knew it was too good to be true.
On the other hand, IIRC a little bit obsolete MATLAB versions (I don't think difference is essential) have more liberal licenses.
As for MATLAB solvers examples, I have already mentioned them in the mail list, you could see them in http://openopt.org/ODE (just replace solver name from scipy_lsoda to ode23s or any other), http://openopt.org/NLP , http://openopt.org/SNLE

Oooops, so sorry. :-o 


Regards, D. http://openopt.org/Dmitrey
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End of NumPy-Discussion Digest, Vol 85, Issue 17

From "A Letter From The Future" in "Peak Everything" by Richard Heinberg:

"By the time I was an older teenager, a certain...attitude was developing among the young people...a feeling of utter contempt for anyone over a certain age--maybe 30 or 40.  The adults had consumed so many resources, and now there were none left for their own children...when those adults were younger, they [were] just doing what everybody else was doing...they figured it was normal to cut down ancient forests for...phone books, pump every last gallon of oil to power their SUV's...[but] for...my generation all that was just a dim memory...We [grew up] living in darkness, with shortages of food and water, with riots in the streets, with people begging on street corners...for us, the adults were the enemy."

Want to really understand what's really going on?  Read "Peak Everything."