Chris Barker wrote:
Hi folks,
I use Numeric an wxPython together a lot (of course I do, I use Numeric for everything!).
Unfortunately, since wxPython is not Numeric aware, you lose some real potential performance advantages. For example, I'm now working on expanding the extensions to graphics device contexts (DCs) so that you can draw a whole bunch of objects with a single Python call. The idea is that the looping can be done in C++, rather than Python, saving a lot of overhead of the loop itself, as well as the Python-wxWindows translation step.
For drawing thousands of points, the speed-up is substantial. It's less substantial on more complex objects (rectangles give a factor of two improvement for ~1000 objects), due to the longer time it takes to draw the object itself, rather than make the call.
Anyway, at the moment, Robin Dunn has the wrappers set up so that you can pass in a NumPy array (or, indeed, and sequence) rather than a list or tuple of coordinates, but it is faster to use a list than a NumPy array, because for arrays, it uses the generic PySequence_GetItem call. If we used the NumPy API directly, it should be faster than using a list, not slower! THis is how a representative section of the code looks now:
bool isFastSeq = PyList_Check(pyPoints) || PyTuple_Check(pyPoints); . . . // Get the point coordinants if (isFastSeq) { obj = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(pyPoints, i); } else { obj = PySequence_GetItem(pyPoints, i); }
. . .
So you can see that if a NumPy array is passed in, PySequence_GetItem will be used.
What I would like to do is have an isNumPyArray check, and then access the NumPy array directly in that case.
The tricky part is that Robin does not want to have wxPython require Numeric. (Oh how I dream of the day that NumArray becomes part of the standard library!) How can I check if an Object is a NumPy array (and then use it as such), without including Numeric during compilation?
I know one option is to have condition compilation, with a NumPy and non-Numpy version, but Robin is managing a whole lot of different version as it is, and I don't think he wants to deal with twice as many!
Anyone have any ideas?
Use the Python C-API and string literals as the basis for the interface. I think the steps are something like this: 1. Import "Numeric". (PyImport_ImportModule) 2. Get the module dictionary. (PyModule_GetDict) 3. Get "array" out of the dictionary. (PyDict_GetItemString) 4. Call "isinstance" on Numeric.array and the object. (PyObject_IsInstance) Similarly: 1. Import "numarray". 2. Get the module dictionary. 3. Get "NumArray" out of the dictionary 4. Call the C-API equivalent of "isinstance" on numarray.NumArray and the object. The first 3 steps of both cases can be initialized once, I think, and stored in C static variables to avoid repeated fetches. If any of the first 3 steps fail, then consider that case failed and returning False. If it's not a Numeric array, check to see if it's a numarray.
By the way, you can substitute NumArray for NumPy in this, as it is the wave of the future, and particularly if it would be easier.