"PFD" == Paul F Dubois <paul@pfdubois.com>:
PFD> The Numeric home page http://pfdubois.com/numeric has been updated to PFD> include: PFD> PFD> a. New HTML and PDF version of the documentation PFD> b. New Happydoc-generated documentation for the modules, using the new PFD> Happydoc. PFD> c. Description of and link to Scientific Python. PFD> d. Navigation buttons and a hit counter. PFD> PFD> numpy.sourceforge.net still exists and links to this page. PFD> The "Homepage" button on the project page goes directly to it. I moved the PFD> contents to a web site I control so that I can work on it more easily -- PFD> sourceforge sites are hard to work on due to security. PFD> PFD> This site is hosted by Yahoo and seems to perform well. Like any site, it PFD> can be down, but I think it is down less than SF. and now http://www.numpy.org/ points there as well (or it will shortly) -- John A. Turner, Ph.D. Senior Research Associate Blue Sky Studios, 44 S. Broadway, White Plains, NY 10601 http://www.blueskystudios.com/ (914) 259-6319