Fine with me.Ryan--On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 12:48 AM, Nathaniel Smith <> wrote:I have something at lunch, so dinner would be good for me too.
On Jul 13, 2016 7:46 PM, "Charles R Harris" <> wrote:Evening would work for me. Dinner?
On Jul 13, 2016 2:43 PM, "Ryan May" <> wrote:On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 12:39 PM, Chris Barker <> wrote:On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 8:12 PM, Nathan Goldbaum <> wrote:Maybe this can be an informal BOF session?or maybe a formal BoF? after all, how formal do they get?Anyway, it was my understanding that we really needed to do some significant refactoring of how numpy deals with dtypes in order to do this kind of thing cleanly -- so where has that gone since last year?Maybe this conversation should be about how to build a more flexible dtype system generally, rather than specifically about unit support. (though unit support is a great use-case to focus on)So Thursday's options seem to be in the standard BOF slot (up against the Numfocus BOF), or doing something that evening, which would overlap at least part of multiple happy hour events. I lean towards evening. Thoughts?Ryan--Ryan May
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