Scientific_netcdf: ----------------- I have placed a link to a package of DLLs for Scientific module on my web site: http://folks.astrian.net/godzilla included are the netcdf DLL and lib file, a pointer to the Unidata site where MS VC++ Project files are available (i used them to build this DLL), and the scientific_netcdf.pyd. I tested the package using netcdf_demo.py from the Scientific Example's directory. The project files on the Unidata site are for version 3.5, wheras mine are for beta8 of the same version. if the latest one's on their site cause you grief, i'll update mine for their latest version and post to the site. Visual Python: ------------- For people interested in using Visual Python under Windows and Python 2.1, i have also placed the cvisual.dll file on my page. PIL: --- Sometime this weekend i should have the PIL packages on my page updated as well. I have it working for Python 2.1, just need to bundle it up. les schaffer