Meanwhile I wrote QR in pyhton. I'll change to that interface to get some speed improvement. Just to satisfy my curiosity, is it a design decision to keep LinearAlgebra small, or just waiting for someone to contribute more bindings?
Not speaking for the NumPy maintainers, but I am sure it's the latter. I don't see what harm could be done by having more operations in LinearAlgebra. On the other hand, if I wanted to support everything in LAPACK, I would use several modules or, better yet, a package. Konrad. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Konrad Hinsen | E-Mail: hinsen@cnrs-orleans.fr Centre de Biophysique Moleculaire (CNRS) | Tel.: +33- Rue Charles Sadron | Fax: +33- 45071 Orleans Cedex 2 | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/ France | Nederlands/Francais -------------------------------------------------------------------------------