_______________________________________________On Sat, Sep 8, 2018 at 9:17 PM, Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris@gmail.com> wrote:There are probably a LOT of Windows users getting numpy from conda as well.I wonder if the conda folks have some statistics?I'm sure there is a better way that I don't know, but anaconda.org does post number of downloads of pacakges:So you've got conda-forge, and anaconda (which I think is the "default" channel for conda and Anaconda users) and even an Intel version -- that's a lot.But we have the CI problem -- conda-forge, for instance, uses CIs to build packages that depend on numpy -- so a LOT of those are downloaded to build other packages -- Im guessing that's why conda-forge has the most downloads of numpy (by a factor of 4) I suspect end users actually use defaults' numpy more.You can also see downloads by file for a given channel:Which shows that py3 Linux is the most popular -- but again, probably CIs heavily influence that.Close-ish second is Linux py2.7, but 3.6 has 1.3 times as many -- so as the OP said -- py3 is seeing a lot of use!Even stronger for os-xI have no idea what conclusions to draw from any of this, but if someone can find an API to get this data, we could do more.And I think there's an issue with Windows and py2.7 -- it doesn't show up at all (probably the whole openblas / old compiler issue). So we dont know the stats for 2.7 vs 3.6 on Windows.-CHB<snip>Chuck
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