Hi, Great idea ! What's the plan to spread the word about this survey ? Is it about forwarding the link to friends and colleagues ? Le 24/02/2012 01:20, Travis Oliphant a écrit :
After you complete the survey, I would really appreciate any feedback on questions that could be improved, removed, or added. Q15 "Do you feel NumPy's existing feature set meets your needs?" Yes/No binary answer -> I would like to answer something like "quite yes" !
In terms of features request, I saw the question about "which features I'd be ready to pay for", and all those seemed pretty fancy advanced functions that are out my personal simple use cases. (I guess this relates to Continuum, is that right ? ) However, there are "simpler" features that I'd like to have, some being under development now (like loadtxt & friends, datetime, NAs, ...) but which are not mentioned in any question. Are these feature absent from this survey on purpose ? Best, Pierre