In article <1177613824.2817.65.camel@localhost.localdomain>, Francesc Altet <faltet@carabos.com> wrote:
El dj 26 de 04 del 2007 a les 11:38 -0700, en/na Russell E. Owen va escriure:
In converting some code from numarray to numpy I had this: isBigendian = (arr.isbyteswapped() != numarray.isBigEndian)
The only numpy version I've come up with is: isBigEndian = (arr.dtype.descr[0][1][0] == '>')
isBigEndian = (arr.dtype.str[0] == '>')
is a little bit shorter. A more elegant approach could be:
isBigEndian = arr.dtype.isnative ^ numpy.little_endian
Thank you. That's just what I wanted (I had looked for the numpy version of numarray.isBigEndian but somehow missed it). Your other suggestion is also much nicer than my version, but I'll use the latter. -- Russell