On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 6:42 AM, faisal anees <mohammedfaisal.anees@students.iiit.ac.in> wrote:
I am Mohammed Faisal Anees , a Computer Science student at IIIT- Hyderabad. I was going though the ideas page and I found "Improve Numpy datetime functionality" really interesting , 

It's great to have the interest!

One trick is that I dont hink there is a consensus on what needs to be done to "improve datetime".

One thing that does need to be done is cleaning up time zone handling -- and I think we ALMOST have consensus on how to do that (at least the quick fix part).

Take a look for threads on this list in the last year about "datetime64" and this ticket:


(and search for other datetime64 tickets...)

Note that we are hoping to fix that for 1.9 -- anyone have a time scale for that? Too soon for GSoC?



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