On 26/5/22 05:40, Aaron Meurer wrote:
We cannot do that (yet, at least). Failing to publish wheels for a supported Python version on a major OS is far worse than dropping support completely. This will remain true until the time that Pip starts defaulting to wheels-only and never picks the sdist if there's an older release for that platform + Python combo. sounds like if even the latest version doesn't support a given CPython version (and has CPython-versioned wheels), then pip installing it will fail. Is that correct?
No. The problem is that if we do not provide binary wheels, pip installing Numpy will not fail. It will try to build from source. Even if this painfully and slowly succeeds, it means the user probably did not get the BLAS support they thought they were going to get. The situation for SciPy is similar but worse: it takes forever to build, and will probably likewise fail to build properly. Matti