Hi all! Our next Documentation Team meeting will happen on *Monday, December 5* at ***12PM (noon) UTC***. We now alternate the meeting times to be a bit more inclusive. This means that we'll have a meeting at 12pm UTC every 28 days, and a meeting at 4pm UTC every 28 days. All are welcome - you don't need to already be a contributor to join. If you have questions or are curious about what we're doing, we'll be happy to meet you! If you wish to join on Zoom, use this (updated) link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85016474448?pwd=TWEvaWJ1SklyVEpwNXUrcHV1YmFJQT09 Here's the permanent hackmd document with the meeting notes (still being updated): https://hackmd.io/oB_boakvRqKR-_2jRV-Qjg <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fhackmd.io%2FoB_boakvRqKR-_2jRV-Qjg&sa=D&usd=2&usg=AFQjCNGIOzVwlfDFd6YAgBwVUjmjQKWRSw> Hope to see you around! * You can also visit https://scientific-python.org/calendars to add the NumPy community calendar as an .ics file to your preferred calendar manager. ***Please be aware that at this time, the meeting time change is still pending!** * - Melissa