On 10/07/2012 12:41 AM, Jianbao Tao wrote:
I am developing a Python wrapper of the NASA CDF C library in Cython. I have got a working version of it now, but it is slower than the counterpart in IDL. For loading the same file, mine takes about 400 ms, whereas the IDL version takes about 290 ms.
Does spacepy.pycdf not work well for you? (Not Cython, of course...) As Dag pointed out, passing a pointer to the numpy array data in to the CDF library works very nicely, although you may need some contortions to handle column-major zVars. (Making the numpy array Fortran order doesn't quite do it since the record dimension doesn't move around.) -- Jonathan Niehof ISR-3 Space Data Systems Los Alamos National Laboratory MS-D466 Los Alamos, NM 87545 Phone: 505-667-9595 email: jniehof@lanl.gov Correspondence / Technical data or Software Publicly Available