Pierre GM (el 2008-07-29 a les 12:38:19 -0400) va dir::
Relative time versus relative time ----------------------------------
This case would be the same than the previous one (absolute vs absolute). Our proposal is to forbid this operation if the time units of the operands are different.
Mmh, less sure on this one. Can't we use a hierarchy of time units, and force to the lowest ? For example:
numpy.ones(3, dtype="t8[Y]") + 3*numpy.ones(3, dtype="t8[M]") array([15,15,15], dtype="t8['M']")
I agree that adding ns to years makes no sense, but ns to s ? min to hr or days ? In short: systematically raising an exception looks a bit too drastic. There are some simple unambiguous cases that sould be allowed (Y+M, Y+Q, M+Q, H+D...)
Do you mean using the most precise unit for operations with "near enough", different units? I see the point, but what makes me doubt about it is giving the user the false impression that the most precise unit is *always* expected. I'd rather spare the user as many surprises as possible, by simplifying rules in favour of explicitness (but that may be debated).
Introducing a time casting function -----------------------------------
change_unit(time_object, new_unit, reference)
where 'time_object' is the time object whose unit is to be changed, 'new_unit' is the desired new time unit, and 'reference' is an absolute date that will be used to allow the conversion of relative times in case of using time units with an uncertain number of smaller time units (relative years or months cannot be expressed in days).
reference default to the POSIX epoch, right ? So this function could be a first step towards our problem of frequency conversion...
Note: we refused to use the ``.astype()`` method because of the additional 'time_reference' parameter that will sound strange for other typical uses of ``.astype()``.
A method would be really, really helpful, though... [...]
Yay, but what doesn't seem to fit for me is that the method would only have sense to time values. NumPy is pretty orthogonal in that every method and attribute applies to every type. However, if "units" were to be adopted by NumPy, the method would fit in well. In fact, we are thinking of adding a ``unit`` attribute to dtypes to support time units (being ``None`` for normal NumPy types). But full unit support in NumPy looks so far away that I'm not sure to adopt the method. Thanks for the insights. Cheers, :: Ivan Vilata i Balaguer @ Intellectual Monopoly hinders Innovation! @ http://www.selidor.net/ @ http://www.nosoftwarepatents.com/ @