On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 1:32 PM, Christopher Hanley <chanley@stsci.edu> wrote:
Also, I do not know how many people use this particular feature.
However I would point out that many people who use numpy are not also
on the mailing lists.  Most of the STScI do not follow the numpy
list.  I serve as our point of contact to the numpy community.  I'm
trying to gather a list of projects that use this feature and specific
use cases for you.

Great. Even one good use case might change my opinion of chararray.
 As I do not use this module myself I cannot
counter your arguments at this time.   If we decide to deprecate this
module would we reverse this decision if we then find out that the
assumptions that went into the decision were in error?

That would make sense.

Another concern is that we told people coming from numarray to use
this module.  It is my opinion that at this point in the numpy release
cycle that an API change needs a very strong justification.  Anecdotes
about the number of users, a "change or die" philosophy, and an un-
articulated notion of  "the spirit of numpy"  do not in my
consideration meet that high bar.

That is not very fair. I gave you four reasons for assuming there are not many users, other arguments you leave out here are the state of the code, lack of docs, tests and (most importantly) a use case.
 If you would like us to provide
additional documentation and tests that would be possible.  I'll do it
myself if that is the only think keeping the module from remaining in

Thanks a lot, that would definitely help.

How about for now we document the module as being there for numarray compatibility and not recommended for new development? Then if you turn up a good use case we add it to the docs, and if you don't we revisit the deprecation issue?
