Francesc Alted wrote:
A Dilluns 27 Gener 2003 20:52, Todd Miller va escriure:
Oh!, I didn't know that. In such a case, I think it's worth to consider the possibility to define records as classes descendants from metaclasses. But, of course, you have the ultimate decision.
I don't know what you mean here. Please spell it out a little more.
I was trying to mean that using something like :
class Small(IsRecord): field1 = defineType(CharType, 2, default="", position=1) field2 = defineType(Int32, 1, position=2) field3 = Float64
as as container for recarray metadata is definitely possible instead of the tuple (formats="2aid",names=("field1","field2", "field3")), if using Python2.2. IsRecord is a metaclass (introduced in Python 2.2) that allows you to effectively separate the declared attributes from the implicit ones in normal classes.
Of course, you can taylor IsRecord so as to fulfill your needs.
I hope that I have expressed myself more clearly now,
I looked at your docs here: http://pytables.sourceforge.net/html-doc/usersguide-html4.html#section4.2 and what you said above clicked. Thanks. Todd