
Numpy.histogram is implemented in python, and is a little sluggish. This has been discussed previously on the mailing list, [1, 2]. It came up in a project that I maintain, where a new feature is bottlenecked by numpy.histogram, and one developer suggested a faster implementation in cython [3].

Would it make sense to reimplement this function in c? or cython? Is moving functions like this from python to c to improve performance within the scope of the development roadmap for numpy? I started implementing this a little bit in c, [4] but I figured I should check in here first.


[1] http://scipy-user.10969.n7.nabble.com/numpy-histogram-is-slow-td17208.html
[2] http://numpy-discussion.10968.n7.nabble.com/Fast-histogram-td9359.html
[3] https://github.com/mdtraj/mdtraj/pull/734
[4] https://github.com/rmcgibbo/numpy/tree/histogram