On Fri, 30 Jun 2006 12:35:35 -0400 Sasha <ndarray@mac.com> wrote:
On 6/30/06, Fernando Perez <fperez.net@gmail.com> wrote:
... Besides, decent unit tests will catch these problems. We all know that every scientific code in existence is unit tested to the smallest routine, so this shouldn't be a problem for anyone.
Is this a joke? Did anyone ever measured the coverage of numpy unittests? I would be surprized if it was more than 10%.
A very quick application of the coverage module, available at http://www.garethrees.org/2001/12/04/python-coverage/ gives me 41%: Name Stmts Exec Cover --------------------------------------------------- numpy 25 20 80% numpy._import_tools 235 175 74% numpy.add_newdocs 2 2 100% numpy.core 28 26 92% numpy.core.__svn_version__ 1 1 100% numpy.core._internal 99 48 48% numpy.core.arrayprint 251 92 36% numpy.core.defchararray 221 58 26% numpy.core.defmatrix 259 186 71% numpy.core.fromnumeric 319 153 47% numpy.core.info 3 3 100% numpy.core.ma 1612 1145 71% numpy.core.memmap 64 14 21% numpy.core.numeric 323 138 42% numpy.core.numerictypes 236 204 86% numpy.core.records 272 32 11% numpy.dft 6 4 66% numpy.dft.fftpack 128 31 24% numpy.dft.helper 35 32 91% numpy.dft.info 3 3 100% numpy.distutils 13 9 69% numpy.distutils.__version__ 4 4 100% numpy.distutils.ccompiler 296 49 16% numpy.distutils.exec_command 409 27 6% numpy.distutils.info 2 2 100% numpy.distutils.log 37 18 48% numpy.distutils.misc_util 945 174 18% numpy.distutils.unixccompiler 34 11 32% numpy.dual 41 27 65% numpy.f2py.info 2 2 100% numpy.lib 30 28 93% numpy.lib.arraysetops 121 59 48% numpy.lib.function_base 501 70 13% numpy.lib.getlimits 76 61 80% numpy.lib.index_tricks 223 56 25% numpy.lib.info 4 4 100% numpy.lib.machar 174 154 88% numpy.lib.polynomial 357 52 14% numpy.lib.scimath 51 19 37% numpy.lib.shape_base 220 24 10% numpy.lib.twodim_base 77 51 66% numpy.lib.type_check 110 75 68% numpy.lib.ufunclike 37 24 64% numpy.lib.utils 42 23 54% numpy.linalg 5 3 60% numpy.linalg.info 2 2 100% numpy.linalg.linalg 440 71 16% numpy.random 10 6 60% numpy.random.info 4 4 100% numpy.testing 3 3 100% numpy.testing.info 2 2 100% numpy.testing.numpytest 430 214 49% numpy.testing.utils 151 62 41% numpy.version 7 7 100% --------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 8982 3764 41% (I filtered out all the *.tests.* modules). Note that you have to import numpy after starting the coverage, because we use a lot of module-level code that wouldn't be caught otherwise. -- |>|\/|< /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |David M. Cooke http://arbutus.physics.mcmaster.ca/dmc/ |cookedm@physics.mcmaster.ca