On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 2:16 PM, Peter <numpy-discussion@maubp.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 2:02 PM, David Cournapeau <cournape@gmail.com> wrote:
I was wondering if we could finally move to a more recent version of compilers for official win32 installers. This would of course concern the next release cycle, not the ones where beta/rc are already in progress.
Basically, the pros: - we will have to move at some point - gcc 4.* seem less buggy, especially C++ and fortran. - no need to maintain msvcr90 vodoo The cons: - it will most likely break the ABI - we need to recompile atlas (but I can take care of it) - the biggest: it is difficult to combine gfortran with visual studio (more exactly you cannot link gfortran runtime to a visual studio executable). The only solution I could think of would be to recompile the gfortran runtime with Visual Studio, which for some reason does not sound very appealing :)
Thoughts ?
Does this make any difference for producing 64bit Windows installers?
I have not tried in a long time to compile numpy/scipy with mingw 64 bits, but being able to use the same gcc line on 32 bits (4.*, 3.* does not support 64 bits) should not hurt. cheers, David