On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 1:03 PM, David Reichert <d.p.reichert@sms.ed.ac.uk> wrote:

I have a list of matrices W_k I'd like to multiply with a list of vectors v_k,
or another way of looking at it, writing all W_k into a 3d array and all
v_k into a 2d matrix/array, I'd like to compute matrix R as

R_ik = sum_j W_ijk h_jk.

Is there a fast way of doing that in numpy?

There is a way to do it:

> Some operations on stacks of small matrices are easy to get, for instance,
> +,-,*,/, and matrix multiply. The last is the interesting one. If A and B
> are stacks of matrices with the same number of dimensions with the matrices
> stored in the last two indices, then
> sum(A[...,:,:,newaxis]*B[...,newaxis,:,:], axis=-2)
> is the matrix-wise multiplication of the two stacks. If B is replaced by a
> stack of 1D vectors, x, it is even simpler:
> sum(A[...,:,:]*x[...,newaxis,:], axis=-1)
> This doesn't go through BLAS, but for large stacks of small matrices it
> might be even faster than BLAS because BLAS is kinda slow for small
> matrices.

It is probably a bit faster but uses more memory than using, say, list comprehensions. There is infrastructure in Numpy to build ufuncs for this sort of thing but it hasn't been used yet.
