On Nov 13, 2007 3:37 AM, Keith Goodman <kwgoodman@gmail.com> wrote:
On Nov 12, 2007 10:10 AM, Peter Creasey <p.e.creasey.00@googlemail.com> wrote:
The following code calling numpy v1.0.4 fails to terminate on my machine, which was not the case with v1.0.3.1
from numpy import arange, float64 from numpy.linalg import eig a = arange(13*13, dtype = float64) a.shape = (13,13) a = a%17 eig(a)
It sounds like the same problem that was reported in this thread:
A friend of mine says the windows binary of 1.0.4 also hangs on eigh and lstsq (so linalg in general). I don't have that problem on 1.0.5 compiled on GNU/Linux.
Could you friend try the binaries there: http://projects.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2007-November/029811.ht... This may be a problem related to the blas/lapack used for the binaries. The binaries posted above use non optimized BLAS/LAPACK (I can update to 1.0.4 if this is a problem). cheers, David