May 9, 2014
6:04 p.m.
Hi, I did the following integral with numpy quad quad(lambda h: np.exp(-.5*2334.0090702455204-1936.9610182100055*5*log10(h)-(12.5*2132.5498892927189)*log10(h)*log10(h)),0,inf) and I get the following values (1.8368139214123403e-126, 3.3631976081491865e-126). When I do the integral with maple and mathematica I get 2.643019766*10^(-127) I think the numpy value is not correct. Could any one please advice me on that. Cheers Ihab -- View this message in context: http://numpy-discussion.10968.n7.nabble.com/numpy-quad-and-maple-tp37559.htm... Sent from the Numpy-discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.