Hi all, I've gotten a pull request for scikits-sparse to switch it to using numpy.distutils: https://github.com/njsmith/scikits-sparse/pull/2 Overall this seems fair enough, finding libraries is a pain and numpy.distutils has that knowledge. 1) What's the proper way to find lapack using numpy.distutils? The patch tries lapack_mkl_info and lapack_info, but this is 2 of the 6 variants that my numpy.distutils.system_info contains. Really what I probably want is a way to ask numpy how it was built (including any custom paths the user used) and to default to doing the same? Is that possible? 2) Is there a better way to build Cython files than this weird monkey-patching thing they propose? (It's still better than the horror that setuptools/distribute require, but I guess I have higher expectations...) 3) Can I use 2to3 along with numpy.distutils? -n