I am using Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) under Windows XP and converting a program from Numeric to Numpy. If I have two arrays, say K and T and do dot(K,T) or K*T everything goes well, but if I have a vector b and try dot(K,b) or K*b I get a segfault.

I have tried to run the test in tes_numeric.py and get the same result.

I have tried too to convert b in a matrix with two columns, the second one being all zeroes, and numpy makes the multiplication correctly, so I think the problem is just with vectors

Does this happens with other versions or do you have any idea to fix this problem?

Thanks in advance

Jesús Torrecilla Pinero
Universidad de Extremadura
jtorrecilla at utcsl.com
jtorreci at unex.es