Greetings, As the Fall semester is fast approaching (10 days away for us at UConn), we are looking for senior design (also called capstone) projects for the 2020-2021 school year. The COVID situation has strengthened the need for remote work. The process here is that students are assigned to projects by late September. Then, they have 6 main deliverables over the course of 2 semesters: 1. Initial Fall Presentation (~Oct) 2. Final Fall Presentation (~Dec) 3. Mid-year report (~Jan) 4. Initial Spring Presentation (~Mar) 5. Final Spring Presntation (~Apr) 6. Final report (~May) My question to the NumPy community is: Are there any features or enhancements that would be nice to have, but might not have a team dedicated to the idea? I would be happy to advise any projects that people are interested in proposing. I would like to hear what people think would be worthwhile for students to build together. Some background, these students have all used Python and Matlab for mechanical engineering applications like linear regression, modal analyses, ode integration, and root solving. They learn quickly, but may not be interested in UX/UI design problems. -- Sent from: http://numpy-discussion.10968.n7.nabble.com/