def p(option_lists):
for option_list in option_lists:
array = numpy.array(option_list)
for i in array: print i
the option_lists here is the list of lists
looping through it and then converting it into a numpy array is quiet easy.
If I try to loop through the array as you adviced, it prints out the whole items in the array.
You could also try that out.
What I am trying to achieve however is to loop through the 12 arrays and get them one after the other, doing something like:
for my_array in list_of_arrays:
print my_array[0]
Hope this is clear enough.
Thanks for your patience.
On 20 September 2011 17:11, Olivier Delalleau
<> wrote:
Can you please provide your current code, even if incomplete / not working? It's hard to tell what's wrong without looking at the code.
-=- Olivier
Olivier, the code you sent did so much magic and I'm definitely using that.
What baffles me is that looping through the 12 arrays seem impossible.
I have tried what you just sent but it won't just work.
You could confirm this.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN
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Dipo Elegbede,OCA